Monday, July 26, 2021




Is it true that the number of verses in the Al-Quran is 6666 ??? while if we count it one by one the number is very different that is only 6236 verses only ??? but why is there a difference of opinion among scholars about the actual number of verses of the Al-Quran ??? say it amounts to 6217,6214,6227,6204 and the most famous is 6236… how did this number 6666 come about ??? is it a mistake by the previous literati ???

I quote from Sheikh Ainullah:

"There is an infinite number of verses of the Qur'an, no human being can count the actual number except Allah Almighty. But the way of looking and estimating the number of verses recorded in the Holy Qur'an is different according to understanding and study of each. 2. All those opinions are true. The ideology of the scholars of Fiqh is also true, the ideology of Ahli Hakeqat is also true, only different from the point of view of it. "

The difference is when counting the number and determining whether a piece of a sentence is one verse or two verses. Some people count two verses into one. And on the other hand, some count one verse into two. If all the lafadz of the Quran are read, they are all the same and there is no difference. Then why is it different in determining whether one lafadz is one verse or two verses? The answer is first Rasulullah SAW sometimes narrated to stop reading and inhale. At that time the assumption arose in some people that when the Prophet took a breath, that is where the verse stopped and ended. While others are of the view that the Prophet SAW just stopped breathing and has nothing to do with the cessation of a verse. Moreover, the Prophet SAW at that time also did not explain why he inhaled and stopped. And it is not explained whether the stopping indicates a fragment of the verse, or just simply inhaling because the verse is long. The difference in counting the number of verses does not tarnish the Qur'an at all. In particularly similar to the difference in the number of pages of the mushaf from the various printing versions. Some mushfahs are thin and have few pages, but some mushfahs are thick and contain many pages.

There are also sources of differences of opinion: The first group states that Surah Al-Anfal and Surah At-Taubah (Al-Baraah) are 2 separate surahs. While the second group thinks that the two surahs are the same surah (one surah). This is also due to the absence of the Basmallah at the beginning of Surah At-Taubah, which causes some people to think that Surah At-Taubah is a continuation of Surah Al-Anfal (one surah).

Scholars' Debate Dear friends, some scholars do not agree in determining the number of verses of the Qur'an due to several factors that I have discussed a little above. This science is discussed in depth by scholars, and this science is given the name of Fawasil Science.

Fawasil is a science that discusses the surah and the number of verses of the Qur'an specifically in terms of the number of verses for each surah, the end of each verse (ra'su al-ayah), and the beginning of the verse.

For your information, the Al-Quran that we always read now (even almost one world) is written based on the Qiraat Narrated by Hafs An 'Aasim (please refer further)


Among the following are the figures who said/narrated that the number of verses as many as 6666 are:

Abdullah Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhu (the fifth friend who narrated many hadiths after' Aisyah radhiyallahu 'anha)

Zamahshari (ra) (scholar in Arabic literature and language)

Bediuzzaman, the mujaddid (the reformer) in the 13th century,

Ibn-i Huzeyme, one of the high priests, in the book "An Nasih wa'l Mansuh"

Abi Hasan in the book Aqeedah Al-Najin

In this regard, the calculation method below is one of the methods to arrange the verses of the Qur'an according to the study in terms of deepening the content and meaning

The total number of verses compiled by the scholars are:

1000 verses of the Qur'an related to enjoining good deeds

1000 verses of the Qur'an related to preventing immorality

1000 verses of the Qur'an related to the Promise to be rewarded

1000 verses of the Quran Promise retribution

1000 verses of the Quran related verses compare with something.

1000 verses of the Quran related to Stories and News

500 Quranic verses Related to Halal and Haram

100 Quranic Verses related to Prayer and Tasbih

66 Quranic verses relating to Nasakh and Mansuh.

The total is 6666.

It can be referred to as 6666 stories@narration in the Quran.

Many scholars of the past and present who agree with the above method and apply it until now… it is compiled and arranged neatly based on the methods of interpreting the Qur'an according to the discipline of knowledge.

The knowledge of the number of verses of the Qur'an, its letters & surahs, is not one an obligation that is fardhu ‘ain to every Muslim. However, the ulama 'from among the mufassirin (experts of Tafsir) themselves, in studying the Al-Quran Al-Karim, did not escape from studying and talking about the number of surahs, verses, and even letters in Al -Quran Al-Karim.

The Prophet saw himself acknowledged their sincerity in adhering to the religion of Islam as he said:

"The best of my people is the era that I sent to them, then the next era". (Narrated by Muslim in his sahih, hadith 2534)

There is also an opinion that says that version 6666 is from the Shiites. (God willing, please refer to the authentic source)

But it is emphasized here, there is no fatwa from imams or scholars around the world that forbids this opinion, but there are in our society in a hurry with their lust to ban the above opinion. It is necessary for us as Muslims to believe that the Al-Quran itself is a miracle that Allah has promised its authenticity until the Day of Judgment. One of the miracles is that until now no human being has been able to sum the verses of the Al-Quran accurately even according to the latest method (calculator).

Whatever message from my previous teachers and deceased teachers that I still remember until now is that if we only read the Al-Quran then we only find 6236 verses and if we read, understand, and study it, God willing we will find where the 6666 is…


(I apologize if there are any mistakes or errors in my reference above. If there were any mistakes or errors, please be reprimanded so that we can both share knowledge about it. All the good is from Allah SWT and the bad is from me.)

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Sebenaqnya ghamai yang dah tau dah makna dengan maksud bacaan yang haghi-haghi depa dok baca masa time solat…
Aku bukan laa nak tunjuk terra tapi niat utama aku cuma laa nak update mengingatkan kita balik mana tau kot2 ada yang dah lupa sama depa2 yang kat luaq sana yang masih kughang mengetahui dapat buat rujukkan sikit sbanyak apa yang mampu aku share.
So selamat baramal….     

-Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pemurah lagi maha Mengasihani.

contoh solat ‘isya’
Usalli fardhal 'isya'i arba'a raka'atin(*) adaan lillahi ta'ala

Sahaja aku sembahyang fardhu(isyak) empat rakaat(*) tunai
kerana Allah Ta'ala.
# gantikan dengan asri (asar) atau #zuhri (zohor)
* tambahkan 'makmuman' (mengikut imam) sebagai ganti 'adaan', jika sembahyang

Allahu Akhbar  
-Allah Maha Besar-

Allahu akhbar kabira wal hamdulillah hi kasira wa subhana Allahi bukratan wa asila. Wajjahtu wajhiya lilladzi fatharas samaawaati wal ardha haniifan musliman wamaa ana minal musyrikiin. Inna salaati wa nusukii wa mahyaayaa wa mamaatii lillaahi rabbil 'aalamiin. Laa syariikalahu wa bizdaalika umirtu wa ana minal muslimin.
-Allah Maha Besar dan segala puji bagi Allah dengan banyaknya. Maha suci Allah sepanjang pagi dan petang. Aku hadapkan wajahku bagi Tuhan yang mencipta langit dan bumi, dengan suasana lurus dan berserah diri dan aku bukan dari golongan orang musyrik. Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadatku, hidupku, matiku adalah untuk Allah Tuhan sekelian alam. Tidak ada sekutu bagiNya dan kepadaku diperintahkan untuk tidak menyekutukan bagiNya dan aku dari golongan orang Islam.-

Alhamdulillaahi rabbil'aalamin Arahmaanirrahiim Maaliki yawmiddiin Iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta'iin Ihdinash shiraathal mustaqiimShirathal ladziina an'amta alaihim gahiril maghdhuubi'alaihin waladh dhaalliin Aaamiin

-Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pemurah lagi maha Mengasihani.
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam. Yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani. Yang menguasai hari pembalasan. Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah dan hanya kepada Engkau kami mohon pertolongan. Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus. Iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Engkau kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan jalan mereka yang Engkau murkai dan bukan jalan mereka yang sesat.-

Qul huw-Allahu Ahad, Allahus-Samad, lam yalid wa lam yoolad, wa lam yakun lahoo kufuwan ahad.
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
Katakanlah: Dialah Allah, Yang Maha Esa.Allah adalah Tuhan yang bergantung kepadaNya segala sesuatu.Dia tiada beranak dan tidak pula diperanakkan.Dan tidak ada seorang pun yang setara dengan Dia.

Subhaana rabbiyal azhim wa bi hamdih
-Maha Suci Tuhanku Yang Maha Besar dan Dengan Segala Puji-pujianNya-

Sami'allaahu liman hamidah. Rabaanaa walakal hamdu
-Maha mendengar Allah akan pujian orang yang memuji-Nya. Wahai Tuhan Kami Bagi Engkaulah Segala Pujian-

Allah humah dini fiman hadait.
Ya Allah berikanlah aku hidayah sebagaimana mereka yang telah Engkau beri hidayah.
Wa’a fini fiman ‘afait.
Berikan kesihatan kepadaku sebagaimana mereka yang telah Engkau berikan kesihatan.
Watawallani fiman tawalait.
Dan peliharalah aku sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau peliharakan.
Wabarikli fimaa a’tait.
Berilah keberkatan bagiku pada apa-apa yang telah Engkau kurniakan.
Waqinii syarramaa qadhait.
Dan selamatkan aku dari bahaya yang telah Engkau tentukan.
Fainnaka taqdhi wala yuqdha ‘alait.
Maka sesungguhnya, Engkaulah yang menghukum dan bukannya yang kena hukum.
Wainnahu layadziluman walait.
Dan sesungguhnya tidak hina orang yang Engkau pimpin.
Walaa ya’izzuman ‘adait.
Dan tidak mulia orang yang Engkau musuhi.
Tabaa rakta rabbana wata’alait.
Maha Suci Engkau wahai Tuhan kami dan Maha Tinggi
Falakalhamdu ‘ala maaqadzait.
Maka bagi Engkaulah segala pujian di atas apa yang Engkau hukumkan.
Astaghfiruka wa’atubu ilaik.
Aku memohon ampun dari-Mu dan aku bertaubat kepada-Mu.
Wasallallahu ‘ala Saidina Muhammadinin nabiyil ummiyi waala aalihi wasahbihi wasalam.
Dan semoga Allah mencurahkan rahmat dan sejahtera ke atas junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad dan keluarganya.

Subhaana rabbiyal a'la wa bi hamdih
-Mahasuci Tuhanku Yang Maha Tinggi dan Dengan Segala Puji-pujianNya-

Rabbighfirlii, warhamnii, wajburnii, warfa'nii, warzuqnii, wahdinii, wa'afinii, wa'fu'annii.
-Ya Allah, ampunlah dosaku, dan rahmatilah daku, lindungilah aku, angkatlah darjatku, rezekikan aku, berilah aku petunjuk, selamatkanlah daku, dan maafkanlah akan daku.-                 


At tahiyyaatul mubarakatus shalawaatu thayibaatulillah.
Assalaamu'alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
Assalaamu'alainaa wa'ala ibaadillahis shaalihiin.
Asyhadu anlaa ilaaha illallaah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuuluh.
Allaahumma shalli 'alaa Muhammad.

Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.
Sejahtera ke atas kami dan atas hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan aku naik saksi bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah.
Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas Nabi Muhammad.

At tahiyyaatul mubarakatus shalawaatu thayibaatulillah.
Assalaamu'alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
Assalaamu'alainaa wa'ala ibaadillahis shaalihiin.
Asyhadu anlaa ilaaha illallaah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuuluh.
Allaahumma shalli 'alaa Muhammadin wa'alaa aali Muhammadin, kamaa shallaita 'alaa Ibraahim wa'alaa aali Ibrahim, wa baarik 'alaa Muhammadin wa'alaa aali Muhammad, kama baarakta 'alaa Ibrahiima wa'alaa aali Ibraahima, fil 'aalamiina innaka hamiidun majiid.

Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.
Sejahtera ke atas kami dan atas hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan aku naik saksi bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah.
Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas Nabi Muhammad dan ke atas keluarganya.
Sebagaimana Engkau selawatkan ke atas Ibrahim dan atas keluarga Ibrahim.
Berkatilah ke atas Muhammad dan atas keluarganya sebagaimana Engkau berkati ke atas Ibrahim dan atas keluarga Ibrahim di dalam alam ini.
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Terpuji lagi Maha Agung.


Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullah
Sejahtera dan rahmat untukmu semoga dirahmati Allah

Abu Zar RA meriwayatkan bahawa suatu hari, pada musim dedaun sedang berguguran, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar dari rumahnya. Baginda SAW mengambil ranting dari sebatang pohon yang daun-daunnya sudah mulai gugur dengan lebatnya seraya bersabda : “Ya Abu Zar! Apabila seorang Islam menunaikan solatnya kerana Allah, dosanya gugur seperti daun-daun yang gugur dari pohonnya ini”. (Riwayat Ahmad dengan sanad yang hasan).

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